Lietuviai smalsauja: „Kiek kainuoja doktorantūros studijos Nyderlanduose?”
Į šį klausimą atsakiau ne vieną kartą: „Nyderlanduose nuotolinė doktorantūra yra nemokama. Turiu puikius vadovus, nuostabi biblioteka, duomenų bazės, įvairūs mokymai ir kitos gerybės.“ Daugiau apie studijas Nyderlanduose rasite Study in Holand
CWTS tinklaraštyje galite paskaityti du susijusius straipsnius apie Nyderlandų mokslo vertinimo sistemą (apie doktorantūrą parašyta antrame).
Pirmame straipsnyje Research evaluation in context1: One joint protocol, three criteria and four aspects glaustai apie mokslo vertinimą Nyderlanduose (žemiau kelios ištraukos):
How is research being evaluated in the Netherlands? Why in that way? Why would the Dutch want to evaluate research anyway when it is done like that? What is an evaluation really about? No, but really? And how do you compare between….? You don’t? And consequences? Not??
Any conversation about research evaluation in the Netherlands has the risk of developing along this line. The Dutch way of evaluating academic research might not be unique, but it is certainly not common, nor fully understood.
Antrame straipsnyje Research evaluation in context 2: One joint protocol, three criteria and four aspects yra pastraipa apie doktoratūrą Nyderlanduose:
„PhD policy and training covers the supervision and instruction of PhD candidates. Here the context of the Netherlands is important. In the vast majority of cases, PhD candidates are not registered as students. Usually, PhD candidates are employed by the university as (temporary) scientific staff, with the task to do research. There is also a substantive amount of external PhD candidates. These are employed elsewhere and do their PhD research supervised by scientific staff of the unit. The implication is that PhD policy and training is not being assessed in a regular teaching assessment.”
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